In the beginning of 2012, I made a New Years resolution to run the Wheat Montana 5K.

Pretty sure I had it in the back of my mind that I was going to run it, pat myself on the back and go back to eating Taco Bell 5 layers.

And yet, flash forward to 2014 and I am crossing the finish line at The Peak Triathlon in Missoula, Montana.

I remember getting the call from organizer Kayla Johnson three years ago, she asked me to bring speakers out to the event and play music for the triathletes as they crossed the finish line. Being a DJ, it was just a way to make a quick buck. But then, as I saw each person finish the race I noticed something that ultimately inspired me to run it myself...

Anyone can do The Peak Triathlon

The people who were running The Peak Triathlon were of all shapes and sizes. Women and men, short and tall, old and young. Some were in shape, some were not! That's how I made my mind up to do this. But first, I had to address my health at the time...

That's me, 85 pounds heavier circa. 2012
That's me, 85 pounds heavier circa. 2012

Back in 2011, my sleeping patterns were off. DJing in bars through the late hours wreaked havoc on any chance of having a good night’s rest. On top of that, I was a pack a day smoker and a fast food junkie. All things combined it was a wonder I didn’t become diabetic.

But one day it all came to a head: The day I visited my doctor and learned that I had sleep apnea…

The St. Patricks Medical Hospital sleep doctor INSISTED I change my lifestyle...all the while instructing me how to use my new (and highly UN-romantic) breathing mask that I have to wear to bed now. Embarrasing. I started to cry. Sleep apnea is a deadly disorder that is often diagnosed to people who were guilty of all of the vices I had acquired over time. My sedentary lifestyle, craving for nicotine and fatty foods finally got the best of me...

The 5 Ways I Got Off The Couch

Walking or biking around Missoula is the absolute best way to drop weight! Just one step at a time...
Walking or biking around Missoula is the absolute best way to drop weight! Just one step at a time...

Key #1- Walk!

Still envious of those triathletes I was determined to become one myself, but it wasn’t going to happen overnight.

The first literal step I took was leaving my vehicle in the garage and walking or biking back and forth to work down Reserve Street each day during the warmer seasons in Missoula. That, coupled with watching my calories like a hawk I noticed the weight fall off quickly. In 4 months I lost 55 pounds, and after hitting a few frustrating plateaus I varied up my exercise with both walking and 30 minutes of weight training.

The fact is, each day WAS a chore, but each very small decision I made that day got me to where I was ready to stack on even more.

Just 30 minutes of walking to start turned into an hour three months later. 30 minutes of conditioning evolved into 50 minutes after about 6 months…and so on. I didn't have to go hard! I just had to start…

Key #2 - Quitting smoking

With my weight finally stabilizing and my diet back on track, my next focus was quitting smoking. After smoking off and on for nearly 20 years, this was (and STILL is) the most challenging obstacle to overcome. And to be honest, I still haven’t quit my relationship with nicotine. I’m an e-cigarette smoker now.

While the jury is not out yet on the long-lasting health effects of e-cigs I HAVE noticed my breathing improve so much that I was able to start walking up Mount Sentinel without losing my breath. What used to painfully burn my lungs has now become so much easier to endure. Running no longer hurts, and I attribute it to the increased lung capacity from switching to e-cigs. Someday I do hope to quit my long time addiction, however... Wish me luck on that!

Key #3 - Seek Advice

My end goal was in sight 18 months later. Small decisions led me down the path of losing 85 pounds and achieving my first triathlon, but there was still a little more work to be done…

Getting my first personal fitness assessment at M.U.S.T., this was where I really began to notice my body transform
Getting my first personal fitness assessment at M.U.S.T., this was where I really began to notice my body transform

The next step was to get help from the experts. Back in January of this year, knowing that the Peak Triathlon was only a few short months, I chose to surround myself around people in Missoula that made health and fitness their primary profession.

I soaked up all the knowledge I could from Missoula's elite coaches.

From Mike Scialabba (voted best personal trainer in Missoula) at M.U.S.T., to John Pitcarn, expert Chi-runner at the Runners Edge, Dr. Anthony Sanderson at Grizzly Sports & Family Chiroprators and the staff of our local Max Muscle, I was finally equipped with the knowledge and strength to help me visualize my goals.

Key #4 - Enjoy The Adventure!

The three months leading up to the triathlon I went into OVERDRIVE. Cranking out 5 days a week of running and strength training, again adding one small layer of effort each day until certain workouts were less of a struggle. In fact, I began to CRAVE the challenge. I noticed myself become absolutely ADDICTED to this new lifestyle and was more than ready to take on my end goal...The Peak Triathlon.

Key #5 Cross the finish line

The big day had finally arrived, and after a couple of hours of overcoming every obstacle thrown my way I finally...crossed...the...finish line. I tackled it with the mindset of not being first, but not being last. I just had to move.

This was something I NEVER would have been able to do without the small steps taken leading up to it all. The entire process of mentally and physically preparing took only just a few months, but the end result left me with a euphoric feeling that anything can be accomplished, it just may not happen overnight.

That's me. I did it! I actually did it!
That's me. I did it! I actually did it!

Is The Peak Triathlon For YOU?

I honestly think anyone in the area should at least consider doing The Peak Triathlon. It's not one of the longer triathlons in the state, but it is a serious challenge. The best part is you can fly solo like I did or you can partner up with two buddies and hammer out different courses individually! If you like swimming, take that on while the others do the biking or running portion. It's really in how much you believe you have in you at the time!

Make the choice, set small goals, and you can succeed.

This simple philosophy can be applied to ANYTHING in life and can be used by anyone that is looking to improve their lives. To me, the triathlon wasn’t about just doing one. It was laying the foundation to create even bigger goals for myself and to hopefully inspire anyone else who needs the motivation to achieve their dreams.

Make the decision, aim toward what you want to achieve, go slow and add on more when you are ready. Soon YOU can accomplish what you set out for. I wish you the best of luck.

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