This Thursday and Friday you have permission to do the things you love, but are a bit taboo, to do in your car. I know I am guilty of doing both of these things. Sometimes I get stared at or laughed at when doing this in my car, but I have to be honest with you, sometimes I just can’t help it either.

This Thursday is National Sing in Your Car Day. The weird thing is, I have never been a sing-in-the-shower type of person, but I have always been a sing-in-the-car type person. Apparently, I like an audience. It is also important to know that I am a terrible singer (my children can attest to this). However, when I jump in the car, there is just something about being surrounded by a car rattling song that makes me want to sing like Julie Andrews belting out “The Sound of Music.”

This Friday is National Fast Food Day. I am also guilty of this not so healthy, but very convenient, taboo. The drive-thru is a godsend when traveling with kids. I never want to stop, pile all the kids out of the car, haul them into the restaurant, let everyone take 30 minutes to order, 30 more minutes before the meal is ready, 30 minutes to eat it and then pile everyone back into the car and get back on the road. Needless to say, this is very inconvenient if you are trying to get somewhere in a short amount of time.

I would have to say that if you are going to pick one of these guilty pleasures to do frequently, it should be the singing. It is much better for your health and only a little painful for those in the car with you.

Joy Larson is a mother of four boys, graduate of The University of Montana, animal lover and writer.

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