Coinciding with national diabetes month, The Center for Disease Control has released a national study looking at the growth rate of diabetes over the past 16 Years. "We looked at state and some territorial changes over time," explained CDC statistician Linda Geiss, "and we found 42 States had increases in diabetes of 50% or more and 18 states, including Montana, had increases in diabetes of 100% or more."

Interview with Statistician Linda Geiss:

Although Montana had astronomical increases, there was still good news for the State. It was one of only 12 states with a diabetes prevalence between 6% and 6.9%. Overall, Montana was ranked 45th for Diabetes prevalence.

Diabetes rates inside Montana varied wildly from county to county. Gallatin County had the best results with only a 4.4% diabetes rate followed by Park (5.2%), Ravalli and Missoulla (both at 5.3%). On the other hand, Roosevelt county in Eastern Montana topped the list with a 12.1% diabetes rate while Glacier, Blaine, and Big Horn counties all had rates over 10%.

Diabetes rates tend to increase with Obesity rates and can often be reduced by responsible eating and proper exercise.

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