Wednesday is a day that only comes around once every four years. You could call it an extra day or a free day, buy why not make it a day to do something out of the ordinary, something you wouldn’t normally do. Carpe Diem. Here are my top five suggestions for what to do on leap day.

  1. Don’t wear underwear. It’s you day to be free from underwear, unless you are one of those people who never wear underwear, then you should wear underwear.
  2. Eat something exotic, or something you’ve always wanted to try, or have been afraid to try.
  3. Buy something you haven’t let yourself buy. Treat yourself to something nice.
  4. Take a chance on love. If you’ve had a mad crush for some time, use this day as a chance to jump out of your shy skin and go for it.
  5. Give yourself a break. Take a break from your everyday chores and maybe even call in sick to work.

If you live to be 80, you will only have this day 20 times in your life, so don’t waste it! Do something you’ve always wanted to do, do something you haven’t let yourself do. The important thing is to make this day unique.

Joy Larson is a mother of four, graduate of The University of Montana, animal lover and writer.

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