
Few Complaints Over Ban
Few Complaints Over Ban
Few Complaints Over Ban
Since enacting a campus-wide ban on tobacco products this past fall, UM officials have received few complaints over the policy.
British Mother Defends Decision to Smoke While Pregnant [VIDEO]
British Mother Defends Decision to Smoke While Pregnant [VIDEO]
British Mother Defends Decision to Smoke While Pregnant [VIDEO]
The brilliant ladies of MTV's 'Teen Mom' may have met their match in Charlie Wilcox. Wilcox, a British mother who smoked 3,500 cigarettes while pregnant, claims all that nicotine was actually healthy for her newborn daughter because it made the girl's heart work harder since it restricted her oxygen supply while in utero.
This Week in Viral Videos: Nadal’s Epic Between-the-Legs Shot and More [VIDEOS]
This Week in Viral Videos: Nadal’s Epic Between-the-Legs Shot and More [VIDEOS]
This Week in Viral Videos: Nadal’s Epic Between-the-Legs Shot and More [VIDEOS]
Over the last seven days, the Internet gave us a diverse group of viral videos - a refreshing change of pace after all of the Osama bin Laden-related videos from last week. We saw the return of Charlie Sheen, a dead squirrel, a human bicycle, an amazing tennis shot, some incredible street dancing and more. What were some of your favorite viral videos this week? Take a look at some of our favorites
UM Banning Tobacco
UM Banning Tobacco
UM Banning Tobacco
Smoking bans are nothing new.  Restaurants, bars, casinos, government buildings... well, most public areas in Missoula are already smoke-free.  Starting in the fall, the UM campus will become tobacco-free. Where will smokers go to smoke, then...