
Butterball Turkey Hotline Now Texting
Butterball Turkey Hotline Now Texting
Butterball Turkey Hotline Now Texting
Every year on the radio I call the butterball hotline and get some tips for the listeners,The Butterball Turkey Talk-Line is available now and through Thanksgiving at the following times by calling 1-800-BUTTERBALL (1-800-288-8372).
Missoula, Stop Complaining!
Missoula, Stop Complaining!
Missoula, Stop Complaining!
I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume you griped about at least ONE of these five minor Missoula annoyances. And I say 'minor', because really they are. And I say 'assume' because...well, I am assumptious. Still, it's stuff locals really need to stop complaining about immediately...

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