Jared Leto

'Suicide Squad'
'Suicide Squad'
'Suicide Squad'
Warner Brothers responded to a bootleg leak of the first Suicide Squad trailer by releasing a high quality version of the clip online.
‘Suicide Squad’
‘Suicide Squad’
‘Suicide Squad’
Well that didn’t take long. Following David Ayer’s recent teaser image of the character and Jared Leto’s own candid Snapchat pic, the director has officially revealed the first legitimate photo of Leto in character as the Joker in Suicide Squad. He’s very pale, very tattooed and totally insane. And he’s nothing like any Joker you’ve ever seen before.
'Suicide Squad'
'Suicide Squad'
'Suicide Squad'
We’ve been hearing lots of rumors and reports about the cast of the ‘Suicide Squad’ movie over the last couple of months, with Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Tom Hardy, Jared Leto, and more names circling DC’s super-villain project. Much of what’s been reported has often been delivered with a question mark, but today brings official confirmation of the full lineup of David Ayer’s ‘Suicide Squad’—and some of the final casting choices might surprise you, given that they aren’t exactly what we’d heard previously.