Barack Obama

Kelly Clarkson + Beyonce Perform at Inauguration
Kelly Clarkson + Beyonce Perform at Inauguration
Kelly Clarkson + Beyonce Perform at Inauguration
President Barack Obama, our 44th president, has been sworn in for his second term, and the inauguration was exactly the star-studded occasion we've come to expect from our celeb-popular Commander-in-Chief. Case in point: Musical performances included James Taylor singing 'America the Beautiful,' followed by Kelly Clarkson's rendition of 'America (My Country 'Tis of Thee),' and Beyonce wrapping thi
Obama Reelection Campaign Selling Birth Certificate T-Shirts
Obama Reelection Campaign Selling Birth Certificate T-Shirts
Obama Reelection Campaign Selling Birth Certificate T-Shirts
Barack Obama is cashing in on the birther controversy. For a donation of $25 or more to the President's reelection campaign, you can get a copy of his much-discussed birth certificate to wear right on your chest. In an email to supporters, Obama's deputy campaign manager, Julianna Smoot, explained the reasoning behind the sure-to-be controversial T-shirt.