Ugh. My dogs Koda and Gypsy have been so good lately, until yesterday. I walked through the door after work and normally my dogs greet me at the door, and let me know they need to potty. So, it was strange when neither of them were at the door. I saw Gypsy on the couch and dog toy stuffing in the living room. I didn't think too much about it and started going through the mail. When I called for Koda since I still hadn't seen him yet, and he didn't come, I knew something was strange. So I walk closer to the living room and there it is. Both dogs have avoided me because they both know they are in trouble. They ate my wife's favorite shoes! NO!!!! Of all things, why choose her favorite shoes. So, both dogs enjoyed some time in time out.

Not sure why caused them to destroy the shoes since they haven't eaten anything in a while. I think a trip to the store for some long lasting dog toys are in order, as long as they stay out of trouble for the next few days.

What is the last thing your animals destroyed?

  • Koda!

    Playing with a Flying Duck!

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