It is time to get outside and enjoy Montana. For many living here, we take it for granted. I cannot tell you how many times I have stopped to take in a breathtaking view, and thought to myself: "People pay thousands of dollars to travel here and see what I am seeing." It is time to take advantage of it and go for a hike. There are hundreds of different ways for you to explore the backcountry of Montana. But, the challenge is making sure you can find your way back to civilization. Planning a extended hike into the backcountry used to take weeks of researching. But, now you can get all the info you need online.

According to MTPR, a map-based website called was rolled out today featuring highlights and guides to more than 200 trails across Montana. Reportedly, the state has sunk $50,000 of tourism money into the project.


This new website allows you to pull up everything you need to know about your hike, before you go. Plus it covers the entire state. The website has a goal of gathering 25,000 unique visitors this year. If you support the online trail guide, they are also taking donations to better the site.

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