The Missoula Veterans Court is hosting its second free annual training for Veterans Court Mentors, those interested in becoming mentors, and community members interested in the program.

Like many of the over 100 Veterans Courts around the country, the Missoula Veterans Court assigns volunteer mentors to each participant.  The mentors, who are Veterans themselves, meet with the participants at least once a week and offer support to the participants as they go through the program and take steps to a better future.  Currently the Veterans Court has eight participants each of whom has at least one mentor.  The program goal is  have a pool of at least twenty mentors.

The training will be held in Room 201 of the University of Montana Law School in two parts, Saturday November 3, from 8:30 to noon and Wednesday November 7 from 5:00 to 8:30.   Interested persons may register by calling 258-4728. It is not necessary to register in advance to attend the training; registration is helpful for planning purposes.

Brenda Desmond-Missoula Veterans Court

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