Word spread yesterday that 'The Great Gatsby' stars Leonardo Di Caprio and Tobey Maguire were in Missoula visiting the MADE fair. And now photos are surfacing of them just lounging around town like regular town folk. 

Lindsey Cromwell, a long time Zoo FM fan, snapped photos of Leo ('Inception', 'The Aviator') sitting outside Liquid Planet this morning. Fans on Facebook tell us he was inquiring about some of the 'best beers' in the area (actually, Leo, we got the answer right here for you). Tobey ('Spider-Man', 'Cider House Rules') also popped in for some of their famous coffee as well.

Lindsey Cromwell, Facebook
Lindsey Cromwell, Facebook
Lindsey Cromwell, Facebook
Lindsey Cromwell, Facebook

We love how the two are just hanging around and taking in the scenery without the need for security close to their hip! Yes, celebs are people too! Could it be that the reason why so many Hollywood stars visit Montana is because we treat them like anyone else?

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