Missoula Police took a man into custody on Friday evening after an officer noticed a car speeding on the north side of town.

"Sean Evans, 47, was arrested Friday night at about 8:30 after he was observed speeding near the 1800 block of Rogers Street," said Missoula Police Public Information Officer Travis Welsh, "But rather than stop when the officer tried to initiate a traffic stop, the driver Mr. Evans attempted to elude him, eventually jumping out of his car and fleeing on foot."

Another officer came to the scene and Evans was captured, not far from where he ditched his vehicle.

"Evans was attempting to lose the officer through quick turns, that sort of things and managed to get out of sight of him quick enough to park his car on the sidewalk and then run on foot... but just a matter of a couple of blocks before Evans was picked up by another officer in the area. He was charged for a fifth-offense DUI."

According to Welsh, Evans was under the influence of alcohol during the incident. On top of the fifth DUI charge, Evans received charges for Reckless driving, eluding a police officer, Failing to carry Insurance and Driving with a suspended license.

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