
Sony Gives ‘The Dark Tower,’ ‘Bad Boys 3’ and ‘Barbie’ Movie New Release Dates
Sony Gives ‘The Dark Tower,’ ‘Bad Boys 3’ and ‘Barbie’ Movie New Release Dates
Sony Gives ‘The Dark Tower,’ ‘Bad Boys 3’ and ‘Barbie’ Movie New Release Dates
The Dark Tower opening in January felt like a bad sign, given that the first month of the year is typically a dumping ground for less-promising films. Inspiring a healthy bit of optimism, Sony has pushed the release back a month to February 2017, while also shifting dates for similarly long-gestating films Bad Boys 3 and Barbie — the latter of which remains without a director, so we’ll see how long that release date sticks.
Barbie Gets a Make Over
Barbie Gets a Make Over
Barbie Gets a Make Over
One man is giving Barbie a realistic make over. Nickolay Lamm is a Pittsburgh-based artist and blogger who has used retouching and 3D printing to give Barbie a realistic shape and size. Lamm used measurements provided by the Center for Disease Control of the average 19 year-old American woman.