It's a wonder how the filmmakers behind the 'Fifty Shades of Grey' adaptation will interpret the NC-17 rated descriptions of the book on to the silver screen. Now another thing to ponder is how well will Rita Ora fit into the film -- she's been cast in a major role.

Ora will play young billionaire Christian Grey's (Jamie Dornan of 'Sons of Anarchy' fame) adopted sister Mia, who has a more SFW character arc than her BDSM loving brother. Fans will have to wait until Valentine's Day 2015 to see the singer's acting chops.

As for its rating, producer Dana Brunetti said he's aware there's no way around toning around some of the books content for an R rating, but he'd like to release an NC-17 version to supplement 'Fifty Shades of Grey' after it hits theaters, according to Collider.

“What we’re kind of hearing from the fans is they want it dirty, they want it as close as possible [to the book]. We want to keep it elevated but also give the fans what they want," he says.

'Blue Is the Warmest Color,' a film based on Julie Maroh's graphic novel, is the latest high-profile release to achieve this rating.

The songstress will be featured alongside Dakota Johnson, who plays Anastasia Steele, Luke Grimes ('Taken 2'), Jennifer Ehle ('Zero Dark Thirty') and Eloise Mumford ('The River').

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