Wear this badge of honor proudly, Montana. We do not lead the nation in STD's. Put up the welcome signs!

According to new research, the states with the highest amount of various sexually transmitted diseases are as follows. Note, Montana is nowhere near the top five on any of these. Whew.

The highest CHLAMYDIA rate is in . . .

1. Delaware.

2. Washington D.C.

3. Alabama

4. Alaska

5. Mississippi.

The highest GONORRHEA rate is in . . .

1. Washington D.C.

2. Mississippi

3. Louisiana

4. Alabama

5. South Carolina.

The highest SYPHILIS rate is in . . .

1. Washington D.C.

2. Louisiana

3. Georgia

4. New York

5. Florida.

The highest HEPATITIS C rate is in . . .

1. Kentucky

2. West Virginia

3. Oklahoma

4. Connecticut

5. Tennessee.

And the highest HIV rate is in . . .

1. Washington D.C.

2. Maryland

3. Georgia

4. Florida

5. Louisiana

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