I don't consider this a spoiler as the info doesn't reveal the plot or any major info about the new Ghostbusters flick. As if you don't already know the plot. But this is just a fun moment in the movie for Montanans watch out for.

At one point in the movie, when the Ghostbusters are meeting with the mayor in his office, an agent gives examples of why they should keep the fact that ghosts are about to descend on New York City under wraps. Agent Rorke says "A police officer in New Mexico reports a UFO encounter. The crew of the SS Ourang Medan mysteriously dies. The entire town of Langville, Montana goes missing."

You know about Langville, right? You have cousins who live there.

Of course the theater erupted with laughter and there were even a few "hey, we got mentioned!" high 5's.

If you were hoping for a complete transformation of the original Ghostbusters, this movie may not be for you. But if you're just out for some familiar humor from Melissa McCarthy and the ladies of SNL, it's definitely worth seeing. And it's very PG, no swearing or anything that would embarrass your grandma if you choose to take her. Plus, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Ernie Hudson, Annie Potts and Ozzy Osbourne all make cameos and there's a rad concert scene.  I felt it was a great tribute to the original, I'll watch it again when it hits cable, and I have no doubt that there will be a sequel.

If you're wondering if you need to sit through the credits to see something at the very end, yes, stay for it.

And, if you refuse to see Ghostbusters simply because you think that women can't fight ghosts, well then you're just a douche.



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