Montana Attorney General Tim Fox was one of hundreds of state and county workers forced to evacuate his office on Thursday due to a bomb threat.

"As you know, my office is in the Joseph P. Mazurek Office Building, along with the Montana Supreme Court, the state law library and the clerk of court," Fox said. "At about 3 p.m. the fire alarm went off and the building was evacuated. The law enforcement folks came in with bomb-sniffing dogs and cleared the building a couple of hours later."

Fox said multiple bomb threats were made both in Helena and Butte on Thursday.

"There was a recorded bomb threat that specifically mentioned the Supreme Court here in the justice building, the district court in Helena and the district court in Butte, and all three were evacuated," he said. "At this point law enforcement doesn't know who did this, but it seemed well-planned and orchestrated."

Fox said the bomb threats violated both state and federal laws.

"Those false claims are very disruptive and we take them seriously," Fox continued. "We can't know at the time if it's a hoax. We'll track this one down and try to hold folks accountable. Unfortunately, in this day and age, these things happen."


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