It's one week into a new year. A clean slate.
2017 you ended strong, you are starting off stronger.
Whatever mistakes you have made up until now are off the table- the only thing that matters from this point on is how you move forward starting today.
Imagine you're the main character in a video game, or you are playing the starring role in the supremely mega fantastic movie called YOUR LIFE-act accordingly....
What would they do?
What choices would they make?
Don't wait around or expect anyone else to create your own success or happiness-that is entirely yours to make.
"Be your own hero, it's cheaper than a movie ticket" -Douglas Horton
ACTION STEP: Watch your favorite movie, video game or TV moment. Find out what drew you to it? (was it the character's charisma, intensity, confidence? What about their ability to handle a tough situation or stand up for themselves?) Then apply it to your own life in any situation that you can.
In the words of one of my favorite superhero's: "Be the Hero of your own story". -Taylor Selig
Happy New Years week one!
Remeber if you have any questions or help each one of us as trainers here at Ridge Fitness are happy to help any way we can.
- Rachel Plumage
Baltimore has become a cool city attracting millennials
Christian Science Monitor/Getty Images

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