We've seen some wild Craigslist ads come out of Montana before, but this one is just crazy enough to share as well. 


to the sexy piece of man-wich at rubys.... I want you. i want you to tickle my hiney while the birds watch. i want you to devour my fingers like chicken. most importantly, i want to feel your rock hard abs against my blubber-soft ta tas. you have the most masculine aura about you, and it drives me crazy. not to mention, you are so hilarious and hot. lets grab a bite at kfc or some other fancy place. if you buy, i'll bring the coupons.

Stop. Just stop right there. You had me at "blubber-soft ta tas". It's just too bad I'm not a man-wich, or work at Ruby's (cafe, I assume?). But hey, a man who likes it when birds watch him tickle hiney's can dream...right?

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